Patients are evaluated to diagnose the cause, severity, frequency, duration and pattern of pain and plan for the most effective and conservative management options. Pain management treatments may include injections and oral medication, often in conjunction with other forms of treatment and therapies.
Pilates exercises strengthen and lengthen the spine, builds muscle tone, increases flexibility and helps reduce tension and strain on joints. Yoga offers similar results, helping to alleviate pain using a combination of exercises, breathing techniques and meditation.
Therapeutic treatments include Physical Therapy, Massage, Cranio-Sacral therapy, Alexandertechnique, Reiki, Reflexology, and simple and complex Stretching exercises. Massage can be relaxing or stimulating, depending on the method. We offer Medical, Deep Tissue, Swedish, Shiatsu, and Thai massage therapies.
Biofeedback is based on the principle that the body and mind have the ability to control bodily functions automatically. It is used in conjunction with other therapies as an effective treatment for pain. Sensors and special machines are utilized that record specific activity and reinforce the body’s “automatic” response.
The ancient Eastern medicine in which very fine needles are inserted to interrupt abnormal energy flow has proven an effective pain management treatment with virtually no side effects or discomfort.
What makes Spine Options unique is our patient-centered approach utilizing both modern medicine and alternative techniques in a nurturing, supportive environment. Our medical and holistic professionals are committed to working together to restore maximal pain-free function and promote normal and independent existence for all of our patients.